Ayo - just a quick PSA. After some reflection, I decided philosophy_religion_faith doesn’t quite encapsulate what I had in mind.
Yeah, those are included, but the vibe I envision is the deep shit you talk about around a fire with a glass of whiskey in your hand.
This is as much a place to share the beliefs that give your life meaning as it is a place to ask and explore deep/challenging questions that feel relevant to you. Share your definition of faith or how you came to lose it, and ask questions like how the hell am I supposed to keep up with goals and a routine if I struggle with depression. Share the views about truth or free speech that resonate with you, or share a story about a philosophical realization that helped you become a better parent/spouse/friend/member of your community. Deconstruct and reconstruct.
This isn’t just about the pure logic, it’s about you. It’s not just about what you believe, it’s also about why you believe it. And if it’s more about the question than the answer, even better.
Anyway, that’s what I hope to facilitate with this territory. And yes, I’m totally over thinking it with the title.
For better or worse, FiresidePhilosophy is the what I have at the moment.
Still feeling my way through this territory thing, not sure if there’s an etiquette I’m breaking here (sorry if I am). I’ll try to keep the troubleshooting to a minimum - just want to present this idea in the most genuine way.
this territory is moderated
I really like the change. It feels inviting and flexible. I appreciate the territory. I also founded a territory and have a lot of learning to do. Keep it up.
Thanks Dave
I love the rebrand. I need to keep ~FiresidePhilosophy in mind when I'm thinking about where to post.
Hey thanks friend! Appreciate the feedback