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Thankfully my home country isn't on this list. These idiots would probably demand even more surveillance powers for the government, not realizing it is the biggest terrorism organization in history. 🙄
Now I wonder where you live, or you mean all governments?
The US government against its people. Already underway through countless forms of debasement.
  • debasement and dilution of the paper currency
  • debasement of our citizenship through unchecked and ILLEGAL immigration
  • debasement of our constitutional rights, 1st and 2nd in particular
  • debasement of property ownership rights, through runaway taxation and confiscation
  • debasement of financial privacy through KYC/AML/FINCEN
  • debasement of health through untested "medicines" and forced sub-standard "health insurance"
  • debasement of our food supply, through GMO, and poisons
  • debasement of our air quality
  • debasement of education through boards of education, and common-core
I could go another 20 rows, easily. Most of these infractions are setup to directly benefit corporations, and big-data providers. You know the people who "donate" to politicians, and also lobby for regulations on their industries to then solidify their control the market.
The true terrorist IS THE STATE
Certainly debasement of citizenship and immigration laws
Why do you blame govt for air quality, for example? And what do you mean untested medicine? I am quite convinced that all approved drugs went through serious testing.
COVID shot was initially experimental. Emergency use authority
FDA approved the shot after initial launch.
There are questions about safety still. They rushed approval
I'm surprised to see France at the top of the list. Anyone more familiar with France have a theory why?
I would say that the majority of terrorist attacks in Europe have happened in France, most of them by islamists. Less now than before though.
France has a large Muslim population mostly North Africa but that is also changing
I read that 50 percent of incarcerated is Muslim.
8 percent total in France
8-50 trend
Do you know Bataclan? Shocked many
This happened when I lived in Paris, also Charlie Hebdo shooting earlier that year, I think 2015, just few blocks from my place.
That was a crazy year