It sounds lame compared to all the fake layer 2 and shitcoin psyops in Bitcoin rn, but blatantly custodial transaction batching with escrow is interesting.
A lot of inefficiency goes into making stuff sound trustless and atomic, but if you could use escrow to offset some blatant trust in transaction batching, we could have some really efficient LSPs and swaps between layers.
Example: A small-time Uncle Jim node wouldn't need the scale of say a Loop or SideShift, and instead could bond themselves with an escrow to opportunistically provide liquidity in a marketplace.
"Hey yo I'm making a chain TX in a few days, send sats if you want in"
The most trustless use-case of the API will be coordinating anonymous coin joins via your own custom protocol. You can specify a single spending path with all the desired outputs, and have the contract settle immediately upon funding. The outputs can use any type of address or locking script.