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Does anyone have any first impressions on the Umbrel rebuild? From the company hype it's supposed to be a huge improvement. Is anyone using its server apps in addition to running a node? It would seem like expecting a lot even from the new Umbrel Home.
Lots of UI/UX changes. Not that much of changes in internals (good? bad?). There is quite a lot of hype around. I am missing some more technical explanation of the changes. I did not study the code very deeply however.
I read the update last night. I'm not a coder, but it sounds like their "building from the ground up" theme is an answer to the criticism that it had become a bit of a Rube Goldberg machine with all the piecemeal additions. As a result Umbrel lost ground to Start9, especially re personal server users.
I'm waiting for a bit before upgrading. They're already on v1.0.4 so it seems they've had a few kinks to iron out. I'm also heading to El Salvador on Monday and I do not need to break my setup until I get back 😀
Solid approach. People that upgrade non-security releases early are brave or foolish.
Haven’t tried it yet. Debating if I should
It's always scary to upgrade Umbrel software.