There's plenty of negativity, cynicism and cruelty out there. What gives you hope?
Bitcoin related: More and more applications and frameworks built on top of the ⚡️lightning network have been popping up in the last year.
The pace of innovation in the Bitcoin space always surprises me. I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore with the development on top of ⚡ :)
Decentralized digital services. It's never been easier to run your own search engine, email server, federated social media/chat/file storage, video hosting.
These days, a moderately technical person can leverage FOSS to compete with the tech giants. I think the next five years, we'll see regulations and customer preference make it harder and harder for centralized technocracy to be sustainable.
Absolutely. Self sovereignty is infectious.
Literally my own personal development
I know many that feel the same way - congratulations, good on you :)
If you look back 2000 dot com crash to 2005 led to the switch from infrastructure onramp (AOL, Compuserve, nortel networks, Cisco) to application companies (Google, Yahoo, PayPal, Ebay...)
I want the same switch in the next 5 years for bitcoin/crypto from on ramp exchanges ( FTX, binance, Conibase) to real world application companies built on top of bitcoin lightning network.
I'm quite hyped for "Lightning accepted here" signs at stores being more common than not.
Very optimistic.
AI, digitization, robotics, mrna, bacteriophages, biohacking, electrification. We have an ATL in world hunger, illiterate humans, world poverty etc. almost every year. Anthropocene go brrrr
I am optimistic about my personal ability to protect myself and those that I care about, I used to be quite the workaholic thinking that throwing hours into my job and business was going to get me out of poverty. Life in South Africa has never been easy but at least now I have a measuring stick that cannot be debased and I feel fortunate to have found it so early.
It's also allowed me to not be so frantic, take time out, work on myself, enjoy my sport again and getting to learn from smart people all over the world.
As for non-bitcoin related optimism, I am optimistic over the bonds I am making now, I feel like the friends i've made recently are such great people, and In hard times you get to see who you can count on and who has integrity
Having the opportunity to be alive healthy be a good husband and a father to my young children. Excited to see them grow up.
It's a beautiful thing to watch optimistic Bitcoiners aspire to build healthy families. The lowering of time preference epitomized in real-time. My children will understand why the money is broken, and how we are fixing it.
Bitcoin related: I would like to see more adoption, that will give me hope that finally the power is going back to the massive
мы? нееет... внуки или правнуки.... они будут знать что с этим делать... мы лишь начинаем наше пути шествие в мир крипто панк шифр
We are so early - this is the beginning of quite a journey