This is a great article on the various eras of Bitcoin. As we head into the halving it’s a great time to reflect on the last four years and where your journey started!
My take aways. We all have a unique path and are very early still. Remember this when you talk to others and help them out. Remember first principles and why Bitcoin was created and who this battle is against!
Do you think we are on the doorstep of The Adoption Epoch (2024-2028)? What’s next in your mind?
We all find @DarthCoin at a different part in our journey. Hopefully we all embrace the power and knowledge shared and pass on the force to others!
I don't know if it will be the time of adoption seeing the financial education that reigns in the world today and the passivity of people, I think there are still a few cycles left for that.
Yeah that’s a fair argument, as younger generations inherent and earn fiat, request Bitcoin payments/salary it will get interesting!