Lots of really interesting information. Great post @davidw will take me a little while to fully go over it and dissect it. I think unfortunately the way to doing well, is high posting fees. It might be as unavoidable as moderation was. I didn't want to go down the route of moderation but it's what was voted for by the users to combat the bots we had.
Lots to think about here for sure.
I am curious if we have the data for activity in a territory Vs sats stacked? As I'm wondering if other territories have the issue of few zaps but a fair bit of engagement?
There’s plenty of charts showing glimpses into that. Not least the table at the bottom, to see amount of stackers zapping, commenting and sats from comments. Take your time to digest it all, it won’t be updated anytime soon. Cheers!
Thank you, I only skimmed it so far, but I intend to dive deep into it and use as much of it as I can to drive ~Music towards self sustainability.