What do you propose for people securing considerable sums? For instance, wealthy people wanting to put some of their money in bitcoin and take self custody of it without too much compromises in terms of security? Do you think self/collab custody with hw wallets makes sense for them?
Is not about the amount. Is about the user capabilities and knowledge how to use wallets and software. I explained in this guide all stages of how to level your stash in 3levels. https://darth-coin.github.io/beginner/be-your-own-bank-en.html
Ok, put it this way: newbies that want to acquire 5-10 bitcoin but don't have the skills to do so. What would you propose them as a solution that is secure but user friendly (not a lot of technical skills needed).
Would you propose them a singlesig or multisig? Would you advise them to make wallets on Tails USBs or to buy hw wallets from different vendors?
Would your advice be the same for 100 bitcoin?