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No guys, hold on. I'm just joking.
However, think about it. Now that MSM is ending, how would you feel if what is said in the title was true?
Would you like the idea?
Do you still like that all the rewarding amount goes to 64 people (MSM) or would you prefer that the amount be shared more generously to way more stackers on a daily base?
Considering most of those 64 were losing to @ek's Hacker News bot, I don't have that much sympathy for them. Contribute more than a repost bot that doesn't zap and you'll probably be in the top 20.
@hn was even down for 5 days because it ran out of sats
Maybe one day someone will make a stacker news bot to post on hacker news.
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Apparently, not enough of a supporter for hn to keep the lights on, so to speak.
100 sats to post in ~tech + me updating the algorithm to potentially post every 15m instead of every hour was too much for its wallet.
Before, it simply checked every hour and if there was a new post at the top, it posted it.
Then, it checked every 15m for any new post at the top within these 15m (the code saved the HN front page every minute). I did not expect that so many different stories would hit the top just for a few minutes and then drop off. The quality/shit ratio went downhill fast. I guess I got what I deserved for trying to be greedy and front-run the previous version.
Now I updated the algorithm to still check every 15m but make sure that only posts that are still at the top one hour after they were seen at the top the first time are posted. This should strictly be an improvement over the original version.
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What is "Million Sat Madness"?
To be sincere, I don't care. If it is what you described, I prefer the way it was before.
Honestly, if I can sacrifice my social life to raise two young kids, what’s another month of MSM?
Business as usual for Sensei. Post n comment like a maniac, zap as generously as I can, make sure to withdraw sats to buy Bitrefill every now n then
I think it is going to be changed next month to reward more stackers. Or maybe more changes too.
It's not something that convinces me as long as it's done every month, but if it's done from time to time, like 2 times a year for example, it's not bad as it can attract new people to Stacker.news and more activity to the site.
Yes, it continues in continuation but now hardly 15 minutes left any pro tip?
I'm no supporter of bots. We can't let bots reign on us like this. We are we. Who are we? We can't let them rule our community like this. Stand up SN. Make SN great again.
  • D. 'jenius' Trump.
But it begs the next question. How can they man up the madness?
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I’m looking forward to the article you withheld from posting due to MSM xP
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you can only fuck with people for so long, before they fuck off
Let’s all take a chill pill.
This ordeal will end six hours later!
do what you want sensei, lol that means dont tell others what to do
Nearly time to leave the Winchester
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