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Hey guys!
What wallet setup do you recommend for setting up your (young) kid(s) with a bitcoin wallet to start teaching them about money and saving?
I am thinking, ideally, something like storing BTC in cold storage and having some view-only wallet interface they can look at when they ask to see how much savings they have.
Any thoughts? Thx!
Samourai Sentinel
I know Samourai but wasn't aware of Sentinel. Will take a look. Thanks!
That's like the worst choice imho. Sentinel is hardly maintained by Samourai and has many bugs, often times adresses aren't updated, or even show wrong balances. I would go for a simple view only wallet on either bluewallet or just mempool.space and bookmark the individual adresses of that wallet (if there aren't that many of course).
Just the simplest option. Electrum for Android may support watch-only but I am not sure.
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @sb 24 Jul 2022
Our plan for our kids: sats accumulated via RoboSats (on Lightning) and Breez Wallet. Most of the sats moved to ColdCard cold storage with passphrase (using Muun Wallet to move from Lightning to on-chain & Specter Desktop to access ColdCard addresses). Watch-only wallet setup using Blue Wallet for kids to see their savings. Added benefit, kids get to play around with the small number of sats left in Breez to try out value for value transactions on podcasts.
You might need to play around a little, but these are exciting times :)
Let me look into that setup.
My kid downloaded ZBD and stacks by playing lightning crush.
I think it's important to teach kids that it's possible to earn bitcoin.
That's a good point, actually. For now, though, I just want to teach the little one saving and how a wallet works.
You can create a watch only signing device by giving your kids only xpub (or multiple if it's a multi sig) Just use those as recovery when you import the keys and you are done
blockstream green single or multisig with the desktop app for watcn only
I would recommend Muun for strictly BTC investment
If you get them more than just BTC (ETH, etc.) then maybe something like Exodus.
For LN, the easiest to use seems to me to be Muun.
What I would do is put your savings in a wallet (the one that seems safest to you) and track it through a private widget like this. (that seems to me the safest to not be tracked.)
view-only they have
1st lesson, kiddo: not your keys - not your coins!