thank you too :)
The answer to the problem of man's abuse of our planet is not more state control over everyone's lives. Agree. And I think we are not going in the right direction with this. I don't like that climate crisis is being used for everything now like for example as an excuse to remove privacy and freedom. drives me nuts.
I'm skeptical too in many fields. I like proofs. The nice thing about the science method is that everyone can replicate the experiment and check the data. Like the bitcoin way: Do not trust, verify. Everyone, from other governments, or independent human, could go and start collecting temperature data. In fact, I've just remembered a guy in Spain, that has been collecting independent temperature of the sea as a hobby for many years and now he is convinced about global warming and the data agrees with the general scientific consensus. so great. this is an article I've been able to find, it is in spanish but you can translate it
what worries me is that there are many scientists that say it is already too late to react, but I still think technology can save us. Some technology to capture CO2 at large scale that has not been invented yet, or new cheap energy sources, or fusion, who knows, something should save us in the future. I want to have hope.
I'm interested in permaculture too. It is a great and lucky way to live. And I think Bitcoin is very related to permaculture too ;)
Yes, the systematic approach in permaculture is what really got me and it has many things in common with technology and finding patterns.
"technology" to save us is like "government" to save us-- It might, or geoengineering could cause cataclysmic unforeseen and unintended consequences. Still might be worth the risk, but I trust the scientists, not the governments who will ultimately decide.
But at this point I'm kinda like "fuck it, let's roll the dice"