• Access: 85% of the world that are outside fiat rails can now actually do fundraising. 50% of all projects on Geyser are created in areas with previous no or limited access to fundraising.
  • Ease of fundraising: Some of our projects raised 10x more on Bitcoin than they did on fiat. We see a massive enhancement in funding with Bitcoin than with Fiat. Plebs want to Let the Sats Flow!
  • Immediate direct Funding: Geyser does not custody funds, so funds go straight to the creator's wallets. This empowers creators who don't have to wait weeks, months or years to receive funds into their wallets.
...and a lot more to when it comes to privacy, immediacy, UX... Abubakar just published a nice article about Geyser for more info: https://x.com/ihate1999/status/1774578678602649919?s=20
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