Humans have a strong built-in preference for following traditions because that helped humans survive in a world that changed slowly. So it is understandable that your family attempts to make you follow traditions in their misguided belief that this will help you.
However it is absolutely not OK for your family to place strong expectations upon you, to demand that you "continue the lineage" or "be a man" or have a wife or whatever.
"do what makes you happy!" I hear the crowd chant, but what if that comes with the price of making everyone around you unhappy?
Then you tell everyone around you to fuck off. Don't attend family meetings that you dread.
The question is, how am I gonna do that without having the damn thing break away in a decade or two?
What a strange question! People were making fabric all their lives... and then looms appeared. People were breeding horses all their lives... and then cars appeared. etc., etc. And now we have AI. Count on the damn thing breaking in several years. And then you'll adapt and overcome like everyone else.
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That's surprisingly direct, and surprisingly empowering. Thanks.