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I'm going to have to go through past posts to try to get a better understanding of how MSM actually works... Like, are AMAs included? I feel like those typically rack up enough sats/generate incentive on their own, and don't necessarily need to be included. But maybe they aren't included, I don't actually know.
The reason I wouldn't include those is, it makes it easier for newbies to compete.
Maybe splitting MSM into separate competitions could help with that kind of thing...
Like, are AMAs included?
Yes they are. One great post is still enough to get a nice chunk of rewards.1
don't necessarily need to be included
Why not?2
This is a good prompt to mention that I am worried about having too many exceptions and that the system is already too complicated.
For example, I wish there was a way to back trace why @hn was in the top 21 for so long but there isn't. The trust graph between every stacker on which the consensus ranking and thus rewards depends is unfortunately not a simple linear equation that is trivial to reverse.


  1. I feel like we need to mention more raw numbers instead of "nice chunks" since it's subjective but it's just too convenient
  2. I see I wasn't patient before replying, haha
That's interesting about hn...
I'm assuming zaps play a large part in MSM (again, I need to take the time to see what's already been posted about it, because I'm not super familiar with the ins and outs), in which case a single post could probably launch you into the top 50, if not higher. That seems to be somewhat against the spirit of the incentivizing frequent high quality posts from daily stackers via this competition. Imo. AMAs will typically make more in a day than most stackers will in a week if not longer, especially now that daily rewards are gone... So like - I feel like the incentive for AMAs is already there.
Additionally, AMAs typically seem to come from users who aren't necessarily active community participants. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! MSM just feels more like a community participant competition.
But I agree with you that things need to be kept relatively simple. Sounds like it's an issue if you can't reverse engineer how leaderboard placement happens, but I also understand that keeping users from gaming the system is complicated.
I work in cybersec and think through loophole prevention everyday (specifically in appsec, but also more generally in security architecture)... happy to consult if you guys want a fresh set of eyes.
Ok so... @ek - today's AMA is a good example imo. Love Dhruv, love that he's here, love that he's participating in the community, hope he sticks around, but... Dude jumped to the top 20 in his first (and possibly only?) post, bypassing the AMA territory fee, and likely won't stick around. I feel like the ~30k sats from zaps is completely fair, but I feel like the MSM placement should be nerfed. That's just me, and I don't actually feel that strongly about it - it just seems out of place, and I can see how that would be anti-motivating to new stackers.
yes, AMAs are included - all posts and comments count towards million sat madness