I know, this is kind of a cliché question! I haven't seen it asked here in this territory though, so I'm curious what games the stackers here like. I know it's hard for me to narrow down an absolute favorite, so I'm going with a top three instead.
  • XCOM 2: War of the Chosen - I've spent so many hours on campaign after campaign in this game, it's lots of fun. I struggle to find any other games that scratch the same itch, I really enjoy the mix of turn based tactics and the base building strategy layer.
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Another one that I've sunk many hours into. It's so easy to ignore the quests and just explore in the forest for a couple of hours, you never know what you might find. The entire map has tons of little touches that make the world feel very lived in, and if you can overlook some of the rough edges there's an amazing game underneath.
  • Stardew Valley - This one is a little different than the other two, but sometimes it's nice to have a cozy game! I've been playing it for years, and although I sometimes take long breaks I keep coming back. I got my wife into it as well, and we sometimes spend evenings in multiplayer.
Those are my current favorites (subject to change!) so now I'm hoping to hear about other people's favorite games. Maybe I'll find something new to try through it!
My favorite game is Final fantasy, I'm a lover of MMOs and RPGs so the next will be more of the same.
My second favorite game and the one I dedicated a lot of hours to in World of Warcraft and its previous strategy games, Warcraft (1-3)
Thirdly I would say it's Tekken, I love this game, I've been playing it since Tekken 2, I have a lot more games that I love, but these 3 I leave in the highest positions.
Even though I'm not generally a fan of fantasy settings I do own and have played some of the Final Fantasy games on Super Nintendo.
I missed out on a lot of the highly respected MMOs when I was younger and had time for them due to not having internet! Now that I'm living where I can get internet I don't have the time for them! That's life I guess!
I never got into fighting games much beyond a short dip into some of the Batman games, but I here Tekken recommended a lot.
And did you like the Final Fantasy you played? On the other hand I suppose you will have time to play MMOs at some point, in fact interesting MMOs are coming out on the market, but the big ones are still a few, Final fantasy XIV, World of warcraft, Lineage...
I did enjoy them! It's been a while since I played, but I remember liking the gameplay.
I'm a little tentative of getting into the well established games now, but I should try one sometime! My dream would be a fairly realistic medieval era MMO with a player driven economy. Something where there's a lot of PVE content to do with friends. Maybe someday!
That is a super hard question. Currently, I would have to say my top 3 favorite games, in no particular order, are:
  1. The Legend of Dragoon: This is the game that really got me into video games when I was young. It holds a special place in my heart. Not to mention the epic feeling of completing a game that was 4 disks long.
  2. Pathfinder 2e: I have always loved TTRPGs. I started with DnD 3.5 but found Pathfinder later. I don't really like some of the choices WoTC and Hasbro have made in recent times, so I tried PF2e and absolutely love it. It is crunchier than DnD, so it's a little harder to get into, but it's very much worth it.
  3. Elden Ring: I would not have put this in my top 3 until recently. I liked the game but did not love it. Until I changed my mindset to that of an explorer instead of a "Go kill the next boss" mindset. After that, the game took on a whole new look, and I love it. Still a punishing game like all FromSoft games, but the edges are dulled when you stop and look at the absolutely beautiful scenery and attention to detail the game has.
It appears you lean fairly heavily toward the fantasy rpg end of the spectrum! I always wanted to play a TTRPG, but it can be very difficult to get a group together. I also am not a huge fan of fantasy games, although there are some I like. I thought about getting something like the Cyberpunk games to give it a try sometime, but we'll see!
Yea, as a general rule fantasy rpgs are my favorite. Though I greatly enjoy strategy games and team shooters. Like the X-COM and Mount and Blade games and TF2 and Overwatch as well.
I really like Mount and Blade as well! I like the layers of gameplay they have.
51 sats \ 1 reply \ @nout 4 Apr
This is a really hard question, I'll try listing couple, but it sort of changes.
  • Mafia
  • GTA:SA
  • Commander Keen 4
  • Half-life 2
  • Diablo 2
It's more than three. YOU ARE NOT MY SUPERVISOR!
I had been going to tell you to take the day off with pay, but since I'm not your supervisor.... 🤷
Mafia is the only game on your list that I have played but was a lot of fun! I played the original version and then a few years later the remaster as well. I've got the other two in the series as well, but haven't made the time to play them!
I can definitely understand how those lists can change, my list varies a bit as well!
  1. PUBG
  2. BGMI
  3. Erangal map on any of the above.
Definitely still a popular game!
The legend of Zelda 🧡🧡🧡
Like the first one on Nintendo? Or all of them?
Ocarina of time and Majora's mask are great, also the last one that came out
Do you have a particular game in the series that's your favorite, or were you talking about the very first one?
The whole franchise really but especially improvements to mask and ocarina of time
If we are talking curently, 3 is easy because I have only played 3 games lately
Stardew Valley - also with my wife, nice and chill, very zen
Mario Wonder - best Mario game since Mario Odysee for sure. Maybe ever.
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - probably my favorite game of all time.
Very nice list! I haven't really played any of the new Nintendo games, but I definitely like some of the older ones.
Chess. When it comes down to it I just enjoy pure logic and strategy, and chess encompasses that beautifully. Maybe some day I'll learn Go as well.
Zelda TOTK is an amazing game. BOTW was awesome, and no one thought they'd be able to do much better, and they absolutely did. Great to just explore unwind.
If I'm playing a game with other people, Super Smash Bros is still probably my favorite. Played it since the N64 version, and I love every iteration.
I've always enjoyed chess too! There were a few years that I got really into it and would study and play a lot, mostly online. I don't remember the number, but I got my ELO up into the low mid range for a while. I didn't have a mentor to help me pace myself though, and I got a bit burnt out. I've not had the desire to play competitively since then, but I still keep the board around for when friends and family come over!
I've heard good things about the new Zelda games, but I've never tried them. The wife has a Switch though, so I may need to buy one of them as a present for her! 😉
I've not played a lot of the 3d Nintendo games, I have mostly PC and PlayStation from that era onward. Super Smash Bros definitely looks like a fun one if you can get good at it!
And yeah I'm definitely to the point where I'm slowing my chess pace down a bit. Currently around 1250 at the moment, so I'm sticking to daily games so I can take my time and learn the theory. I feel like trying to absorb the concepts has value in day to day life, and in conversations and debates. "Just slowly develop your pieces" is something I say to myself in my head all the freaking time, haha
Smash bros is a really great game because it's super fun to just play casually if you don't want to get super competitive. It can be entertaining and hilarious, or it can induce monopoly-level violence, haha.
Dude, Zelda Breath of the Wild and its sequel, Tears of the Kingdom, are both really beautiful games. Nintendo spent YEARS on each game, recklessly blowing past their announced release dates, lol. But in the end no one was mad - everyone just appreciated that they took their time to really get it right. And they did. Absolutely worth the buy. There's so much freedom to explore and play through the game however you want, the map is huge, and there's an endless amount of side quests/collectibles/objectives.
I'd start with BOTW, take your time with it/enjoy all the little things about it, and then go to TOTK, which is an even bigger game.
Great, thanks for the recommendations! I'll have to see about possibly getting the first of those two Zelda games sometime and trying it out.
I've got some N64 games that I play via emulator, so I may try the first Smash game and see what I think of it!
I agree with you on the chess concepts, I noticed during that time period that I was thinking farther ahead in conversations as well as planning daily life out a bit more. Some of that has still stuck with me.
Top three Games just from the experience in playing them for the time given:
  • Ark Survival Evolved
  • Divison 1
  • Right know: No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky was my addiction for a while! I still start it up here and there when a new update comes out.
I've never looked too closely at your other two games, but I'll check them out!
I haven't had time for gaming in a while, but the three franchises I like the most are
  1. Elder Scrolls
  2. Fallout
  3. Civilization
Fallout never really clicked with me, but I did enjoy Morrowind and I'm a pretty big Civ fan!
Which Fallout did you try? I didn't really play the first two much.
I actually only tried Fallout 4 so I don't want to speak too broadly of the series as a whole! It wasn't that I hated it, I just wasn't enjoying it that much in the time I played.
Fallout 4 was a little bit of a departure. If you ever get the urge to reexplore Fallout, I'd recommend 3. The story's more engaging and the world is quirkier.
I may have to do that sometime, thanks for the recommendation!
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 3 Apr
My favorite game was always Faxanadu. I don't know how many of played and enjoyed that?
I don't believe I've ever played it, but I'll check it out! I don't currently own a NES, but I do some emulation.
I love all three. Have been playing XCOM since the original in the 2000s, and I love how close the gameplay mechanics remained! Have to play Stardew again. I love Rimworld (base builder itch, and also it's deliciously absurd at times). Have been playgin adventures like Witcher 3, Fallout, and lately, Baldur's Gate. I want to do a playthrough of Stellaris with the Star Trek mods.
XCOM is a great series, and extremely repayable in my case. I believe I've got all of the games if I remember right. I picked up hard copies of all the older games, even though I got into the series through the reboot games.
My wife loves Stardew Valley, I just recently took her to the concert they're doing of the music from the game. Definitely something I would recommend if you like the music!
I bought Rimworld about a year ago but it's just been sitting in my list of games to play ever since. I think I've heard so many good reviews about it that I'm afraid to start it or something! 😂 I ran into the same thing with Kenshi unfortunately, I heard so many good things but I've just played it for a few hours. Maybe someday it'll just click!
I surprisingly really enjoyed the Witcher 2 and 3, even though I'm not a big fan of most fantasy settings. I've currently passed on Baldur's Gate because of that, but I'm still somewhat interested. It reminds me too much of Divinity Original Sin, a game that I didn't finish because I didn't enjoy the fantasy setting.
I've also seen the Star Trek mod, but I've never played it yet! Not enough hours in the day! By the way, is your nym a Doctor Who reference?
i also enjoy scifi more than fantasy, usually, but The Witcher is just great in its stories, could play that game a hundred times. A stardew valley concert! I'll check it ourt, thanks! And yes. It's a Doctor Who reference, from back when Capaldi got the role, after being Malcolm in The Thick of It, swearing incessantly (which, if you haven't seen it.. is great)
Yes, the Witcher does have a great story. The side quests are often really good too.
The concert was lots of fun! We left really early in case we had issues on the long drive, so we showed up really early. It was a lot of fun just hanging out and chatting with some of the other fans that were there already.
I really like Capaldi's portrayal, I just wish he could have gotten as many good stories as Tennant did. I still liked a lot of his run though!
My favorite game is mobile legend, It’s a MOBA game, it’sunique because this kind of MOBA game use an analog, and you can play it everywhere because you only need your phone and good network. I love all about strategy, and you can only win in this game if you have a perfect strategy. It’s just a simple game but i feel like i can lead a war after winning every match
My second favorite game is FIFA, if you like sports game, you need to try the pro clubs in FIFA. You only play one football player in the team, so even though you’re just in your room playing FIFA you can feel the sensation of playing football by yourself right on the field.
The last but not least is GTA. We cannot do whatever we want in this world right? There are so many rules. And i can do whatever i want in this game
1-Chrono trigger: engaging plot and incredible gameplay 2-God of war 1: a revolutionary game that shaped the gaming industry 3-Street fighter II': reference of fighting games. If you want to be successful in fighting games, copy me