pull down to refresh

If this is also a feature that already exists, then this post will be worthwhile for me.
As far as I can tell, there's not a button to manually invalidate all active sessions, and I'd highly recommend that. It's not a security vulnerability per se, but I'd say it's important to put in the queue.
heeeeckkk yeah
Are you on Github? Then I can mention you in the ticket such that sats get forwarded to you for the ticket when it has been closed. See #449767:
We pay sats for
  • issue specification whether for bugs, features, or enhancements
Hmmm... To dox or not to dox....
Let's go with not dox for now, but I think I'll continue helping general community from this nym, so you can use this: https://github.com/frstdrgn
Welcome to the club