I like this approach! But curious how velocity would be calculated on chain vs L2. Would this just be a theoretical velocity where any txn is treated the same as any other, whether on chain or L2?
Also would adjust total supply of BTC to account for lost/burned coins, likely a higher valuation in that case
95% всех биткоинов не будет на рынке. и останется всего 100000 монет для торговли и той стоимости. можно сказать что если заблокировать все монеты в смарт контракт то через год это будет в 10 раз дороже.
Yeah, definitely a simple definition of velocity that counts any transaction denominated in Bitcoin, whether it's on-chain or L2.
And yes, would also have to adjust for lost coins, but it's also the same as having a lower velocity because the lost coins never transact!