I've found motivation is a lie. It cheats you when you need it. It fails you when you want it. And it makes you feel guilty for not achieving when you lacked it.
For me only discipline works, I get up and go to the gym at 5am not because I'm motivated to go, hell I really don't want to be dragging my ass out of bed to go and lift that early. But I do, because that's what time it is. It's time to go lift. Just like brushing your teeth... You don't skip it, it's just that time to do that task, only discipline you can really rely on.
It's not every day that you have to look for motivation, but it all starts with a shot of motivation that then depends on the effort and discipline you put into it, motivation doesn't last forever.
Yessir 🫡 it starts with that little spark of motivation and then discipline takes over. Once its routine you don't need to rely on motivation so much