Good morning fellow compliance advocates! Rod Palmer here. I'm a journalist from The Bugle.
As the title says, The Bugle is proud to announce we've taken a sponsorship from PODCONF. This might seem counter intuitive because, as some of you may already know, The Bugle is committed to taking PODCONF down. However, we are serious journalists and serious journalists know that the real work to unwind predatory institutions, such as PODCONF, is done from the inside by people who take the institutions' money. This is basically accepted science.
Taking money from PODCONF will not impact our journalistic integrity in any way, shape, or form. The news we publish will be 100% factual and unbiased and we will continue to provide top quality content to our readers.
Thank you for you time. Now let's get back to complying
damn, I'll need to mute @thebitcoinbugle
If you mute us, how will you get real news?
There is no other option
This is why PODCONF is working to secure partnerships with several other podcasts.
I'd be curious who you think would benefit the most from PODCONF influence?
Amazing! You are being paid a bribe by PODCONF and even then you are saying that your goal was to tarnish PODCONF. It's hilarious.
Isn't odd? It makes you wonder who else is getting paid to be controlled opposition even though we are not controlled.
Thanks Bugle,
TheWildHustle complies 3 times a day similar to the schedule of a muslim prayer ritual. Compliance is freedom, especially when compliance entails literal cuckery.
I've been waiting for this for years.