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Last cycle, there were a few big names that asked for BTC or 'crypto' in their contracts -- but it was mostly just a fad, heavily influenced by FTX and the larger crypto grift. Mostly these players did reasonably well the past few years, especially if it was granted in BTC denominated terms. Getting paid in Bitcoin last cycle should always be better than getting paid in the next.
The idea itself is sensible -- by trading your body, fitness and energy for the global spectacle that is professional sports. Elite stars have less privacy, sustain more physical injury and are more likely to be taken advantage of financially. This trade is surely worth the hardest money, in that it will sustain the player and their family long beyond game retirement.
When will we start to see this, for lets say -- 25% of the professional elite players? I would imagine this is going to start in Basketball and Football. Before or After $1M/BTC?
Got to be well before $1M/BTC. I would think a majority of sports pros will be accessing BTC in different ways, not only within their contracts. Most keep their contracts under wraps anyway but advisors will definitely be getting them to explore BTC more & more.
These are the seven professional athletes that have taken some or all of their salary in bitcoin. From 2022.