If a country has to encourage you to come for free, I would count that as a red flag by itself. But I think you have to be insane to move there when Bukele is actively dismantling their country's constitution, installing authoritarianism, and consolidating government. I wouldn't move there for the next 10 years. Do you REALLY want to participate in an experiment by a government?????? Hell no for me. Let that shit play out and make a decision on it later.
I also think its funny that instead of working to fix the problems of your own country, Bitcoiners want to cry about it and be expats in small pockets of a country that have no problem extracting sats out of their dumbass pockets. So die hard about holding but the second a government becomes pro Bitcoin so many of your mouths salivate at the thought of leaving and spending your stack just because you're mad at your government.
It is fucking hilarious, the logic.
You've painted a cartoon of what all Bitcoiners are in your mind and you're arguing against it.
Bro, are you fucking stupid? People are paying a million dollars to get passports in El Salvador under their main citizenship by donation program. 🤡🤡🤡
HuH du HuH, I wAnT ancAp gAngS muRdeR EverYonE iN streEt beCauSe loVe FreEdoM
Fucking piece of shit LARPer, you spend more sats in a country with a higher cost of living, but you must be one of those 10% in bitcoin libertarianism as your religion because you think you wouldn't be a nobody if the world were ancap. Fucking hilarious, the "logic".
Bitcoiners are still people, and since there's no shortage of irrational people nowadays, you can count on it that there are at least some which label themselves as bitcoiners and do stupid shit.