Same boat with you; I use zero banking-related apps, zero playstore connections, etc. Basically just a Bitcoin/Nostr/P2P device and works great. No eSIM either, no need just use public wifi with VPN (for me at least).
Haven't missed out on much. Overall great experience so far.
One downside I noticed is I have trouble using any Nostr-extension logins like NIP46 or nsecbunker for remote sign-in for things like here on SN, or nostr clients.
Problem is since Graphene is so closed-off and sandboxed in ways the apps have difficult time communicating with each other in the background.
Overall works great though.
Same! I do run into nostr issues. I must say the SN PWA works great on Vanadium
Fr it does! Do you use any Nostr extensions to login to SN via PWA?
No. I honestly haven't been spending much time on nostr recently.
All good was curious. Any good pleb recommendations to follow here on SN?
I would hate to leave anyone out! There are so many great accounts here. I suggest you start by hanging out in the Saloon. You will find many regulars in there. You'll get a feel for the place. Then find some posts you like and check out the profiles of those stackers.
Will do thanks!