By Mihai Macovei
While the ruling elites decry populism, what they don’t say is that populism has arisen precisely because the ruling classes have done everything they could to diminish freedom.
Populism is one of those terms that is used as a slur. Its hard to pin down what people mean when they say it. In my life I've heard it used to describe both republican and democrat movements.
The way I think about populism is that its a movement that really has little in the way of principles or ideology. It is more about dissatisfaction with those in power. When you listen to those labeled as populists they often lack logical consistency in the things they support/oppose.
This article is a good observation though. Populism is really more of a side effect than a movement. More of a reaction to the systems of power. Politicians that are skilled can ride these feelings to power as Trump did.
I think of "populism" exactly the same way. From a policy standpoint, it's an incoherent grab bag of handouts and reforms, but it's always stuff that superficially sounds like it will help the working class and it's always accompanied by a litany of grievances against the establishment.
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