This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Login into the onion site drops out of onion and requires a manual switch back to onion in order to end up logged in.
I have a speaking engagement today and I'm nervous. I'm hoping to orange pill a couple of people, so I'm sure that's going to be cool.
Wish me luck, guys.
Is it me, or does this site flip out of dark mode over time?
@k00b is it possible to mark this post as a false? #50226
Was a potential vulnerability when I posted, turned out a false alarm. Was important to post at the time but don't want to panic people now.
There is a disparity between Bitcoins valuation and the number of active adresses and lack of fee market right now.
Either the fee market picks up or the valuation will go down to match the lack of it. But lets see.
The media is a click-seeking machine dressed up as a truth-seeking machine - Elon Musk
Yesterday I learned:
You can see the raw markdown for any post or comment on SN by adding /edit to the URL.
For example, if you were like me and wanted to see how someone was able to get this - Elon Musk to appear without it being treated as markdown and causing it to produce HTML for a list item, ... then seeing the raw markdown will show the trick ( \- Elon Musk ).
lol at the title ... Comments and posts share the same database table, so a lot the code is reused. It's assumed you'll only ever be at the /edit path with a post. ie If you aren't url hacking, you'll never see the title.
Asked something on Stack Overflow and used Btcoin as part of an example. Received a comment from a user saying he would not help contributing with something that burns the planet.
Thats when you become the socratic assasin and ask "What do you mean?" and then hes like "Bitcoin is using too much power" and then you probably ask "How does that burn the planet?" and you can keep going until he has no more answers because quite frankly the notion that Bitcoin is burning the planet is silly.
If anything its fiat currency that is burning the planet because they crate trillions of it in a short time span and it creates bubbles everywhere, also in crypto. The way Bitcoin issuance currently works this means miners suddenly get millions of dollars in profit which attracts millions of miners even tho BTC is used by relatively few ppl. So blame the fed for creating these bubbles that leads to massive energy use that is eventually wasted.
The good news is that bitcoin will slowly go over to a more environmentally friendly security model that is based on on-chain usage and not how much money the fed is pumping into the economy.
Well put. Socratic assasin, that's great. Just that sometimes there is little room for a back and forth.
I did mention how the status quo is much worse by his "burning the earth" standards because obviously a "token worth nothing" for them deserves nothing else than zero emissions.
That said if mining had zero emissions they would start with the ASICs pollute the waters narrative, and so on
That narrative is getting so much mileage. Less than half a percent of electricity generated globally, ... much of it that would be either wasted or curtailed if bitcoin wasn't there. But the mindwashed think they will end up with oceanfront property in Denver even if Bitcoin continues.
*me, sitting on a couch in Denver, waiting for oceanfront...*
It's the only barrier that remains. Social manipulation shall slow but not halt adoption.
These people will be forced into a change of heart, after resisting for so long. Just as they will with nuclear energy and many other "undesirable" products. Sadly there are many people who are being groomed into accepting 'energy austerity' as a future lifestyle choice. And outsourcing their thinking to others.
I am starting to work on my own company.
I founded one company in mid 2010s (dissolved) and successfully built/exited two others (where I was an early employee).
It's nice to get back to something that I fully own and have a clear vision for and strong, identifiable sales pipeline.
Awesome! Care to share some more details on what you're working on?
It's related to Fintech, specifically how companies collateralize loans. Pretty "boring" but important in the lending space (which is why people pay for it)
Doesn't sound boring at all. Been working in the fintech space myself, the banking and savings side.
Do share if there's anything we in the community can do (before/after you're up and running).
Rare stamp "Russian Warship, Go Fuck Yourself" on Plebeian.Market
I started writing a Nostr client in Common Lisp a few days ago. Nothing to link yet, since the code is unusable at the moment.
Months ago, I had started designing a protocol to replace email. But I realized I could build it on Nostr and skip a few steps.
I hope Nostr takes off. Discord is kinda bad. Or hopefully Nostr foces discord to open source their stuff and allow alternative clients because there is only one desktop client and its developed by discord and some pretty basic features are not being implemented for years. So all power to you and Nostr imo.
Nice! Are you going to be using NIP-04?
Very likely, though pubkeys would not be re-used (for spam resistance reasons). I'm still reading through the Nostr NIPs, so I'm not sure how to go about this just yet.
If you'd like to expand I'm curious, how could pubkey reuse encourage spam?
Re-use of pubkeys is similar to re-use of email addresses. We re-use email addresses for years, which makes spamming as easy as buying a list of addresses. But if nobody re-used email addresses -- instead changing their address after every message -- then lists of addresses would be pointless, because the lists would be out of date very quickly.
As best as I can tell, Nostr pubkeys are similar to addresses. But Nostr doesn't impose the restriction that email does: Nostr relays don't hand out one pubkey/address per user. Rather, Nostr clients can make as many pubkeys as they like. The trick is to coordinate change-of-address between clients (which is beyond the scope of this topic).
You mention the PoW NIP in a follow up post. PoW is appropriate when you're re-using addresses/pubkeys. I might be able use PoW for first-contact addresses. I'll have to think about that some more.
Nothing quite like a 2400$ bill to get the truck up and running again🤦‍♂️ Ouch
The lightning bolt animation can be quite jarring. On a phone with dark mode I find it makes it unusable even, no hyperbole. In light mode it's just OK. An option to disable would be nice.
A more advanced version keeping towards the edges and away from comments/text could also be good and would make me consider keeping it on. But still toned down in dark mode. Perhaps just animate "SN" in the corner?
We had someone also request this on github. It doesn't seem that you're alone.
Help, I’m officially addicted: what are all your favorite Lightning apps and projects? 🙏
Plebeian.Market -- P2P Lightning Auctions
For my wallet, so far the best is Breez
Wallet: SBW Fiat-BTC onramp: RoboSats BTC derivatives: LNmarkets
Yesterday I got my first satsbacks from buying a game on G2A with, only like 400 but its a start!
I find that people lack a strong knowledge of history. A lot of issues we face in today's world are the results of mistakes that we've repeated numerous times in the past empires and civilizations of humanity.
What are the best history books, podcasts, articles that you've read? Any topic, any civilization, any time period.
Shout out to Fall of Civilizations on YouTube (
A personal fav: “Cypherpunks Write Code”