What does the future of search look like? Will we even call it search?
Would love for you as someone very far down that rabbit hole to share that with us.
this territory is moderated
I am pretty sure that my kids will not be clicking on ten links drown in the swamp of ads. Any search engine that has ads in the future will have a label 'for entertainment purposes only' and will not be used for anything serious.
I wrote about it in our manifesto https://blog.kagi.com/age-pagerank-over
Knowledge Navigator is an interesting, 35 years old concept
We are far away from these from many reasons but Kagi is trying to make sense of all that.
Its time is coming. Thanks for sharing the video.
With like the blend of personal life information & worldwide research, seems obvious to me we’re not going to trust big behemoth tech companies with this filtering & instead prefer personalised local curation.