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Yes, your post was eligible. It just missed sneaking into the top 5. Remember, it's not calculated purely by number of sats. It is calculated by zaprank. If you hover over the sats you earned, you will see that more stackers zapped the fifth post on the list. It was close, and you had a good post, so here's 250 sats.
I see what's happening here. You're the one who selected the 'sats' filter.
I'm not sure what's going on, but it's showing up as third on my PC.
Remember, this is after I zapped everybody, and stackers may have zapped post 9 am
on your PC, my post doesn't show up in third place? Could there be a bug in SN? Zapping other posts would increase the ranking even more, not the other way around.
I can't tell if it's a bug or a spell. cc:@k00b
Rankings are personalized. You will see different results.
Let me look.
I haven't received any notifications today about new zaps on my post.
I don't know. I just hovered, and my pc shows fewer stackers zapped your post than those ranked in the top 5.