We are finally back to showcase The Magnificent Seven, trying to give you a hit of what you lately missed in the ~AGORA territory.

Top-Performing Ads

This week, the most engaging ones are:

In case you missed
Here some interesting post opening conversation and free speech:
  • #478490 Natural Laws & Economic Values by @mo
  • #503108 Social Insurance: A Trojan Horse for Economic Slavery and People Bankruptcy by @mo
  • #496623 Why is it bigger? Oh, right... by @Brenda
  • #501516 Out Of Babylon with David Straight by @mo
  • #501048 To Comply or Not to Comply? That Is NOT the Question. Let's Do Business! by @AGORA
  • #499100 Brazilian Government is ''reviewing'' contracts with Starlink by @Azik
Just a reminder
To incentivize more conversation and a more libre marketplace, we decided to adopt the zapshare approach, so we'll split the rewards of this TM7 to the best contributors plus zaps to the posts that offer much PoW when posting.

Create your Ads now!

Or contact @AGORA team on nostr DM and we can help you publish a personalized post.
Thank you so much for including it. Appreciate it! 🤗