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I like this theme about fooling around with music, this is not a band, but it is a funny mashup video I found long ago.
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Every Monday "Meta Music Mondays" has a theme for the month, you should check out some of the others from previous weeks in the territory. We've had some hilarious tracks and stand up comedy musicians aswell.
Meta Music Mondays, was a meta take over once a week before territorys existed, where we'd have a theme and just post up tracks that fit into that theme and enjoy music together. When the territory formed, there was no real need for a meta take over anymore... But I wanted to keep the weekly post going. So it just became a once a week themed post, with new themes each month.
One of my favourite months so far was February and the Femmes Fatales theme we did celebrating women in music. That was a fantastic month.
And great track, this mash up is really fun, dragonstei din tae will always be a track that is both awesome... And hilarious at the same time. Europop never lets us down when it comes to funny stuff.