I feel like it does, but it might take a little time for several neat territories to differentiate themselves.
I'm still feeling out how to decide between posting in your territory, ~mostly_harmless, ~FiresidePhilosophy, and ~culture. I think each could be distinct, especially if SN grows appreciably.
If you do keep it, I'll try to keep ~alter_native more top of mind when I'm considering where to post relevant stuff.
I feel like a lot of what I want to share would fit with ~firesidephilosophy pretty well.
I guess you could let that chump pay the 100k, then.
Yeah. Is it just my ego that wants to have a territory? It feels like it might be redundant. It would be cool if we could split territories some how. I guess it could happen unofficially.
I think shared territories are on the horizon.