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Boardwalk Empire is an American period crime drama television series created by Terence Winter and broadcast on the premium cable channel HBO. The series is set chiefly in Atlantic City, New Jersey, during the Prohibition era of the 1920s and stars Steve Buscemi as Nucky Thompson. Winter, a Primetime Emmy Award-winning screenwriter and producer, created the show, inspired by Nelson Johnson's 2002 non-fiction book Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City, about the historical criminal kingpin Enoch L. Johnson.[1]
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My wife and I finally got around to watching this show last year after a couple of false starts in the past. Really good show and good theme song.
Good show, and a good them song. I think I'll watch it again.
I absolutely loved it. I highly recommend watching it at least once 😂
Oooo that sounds cool. 🔥
I hadn't seen that before. I really liked these two parts of the video.
🤣🤣 you'd never get away with that these days.