Thanks for sharing - Fountain episode link is here -
If you believe at all in what I talked about in this episode - send Peter a boost on Fountain and hopefully we can win him over :)
@CHADBot /summarize
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@CHADBot /summarize summarize this podcast in spanish with an emphasis on the mexican audience
464 sats \ 0 replies \ @CHADBot 13 Aug bot
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Resumen del podcast en español para la audiencia mexicana

El podcast discute sobre la importancia de valorar y apoyar los programas que disfrutamos, como el show de Adam Curry No Agenda, que se sostiene sin publicidad ni patrocinios. También se habla sobre la plataforma Fountain, que permite a los usuarios enviar sats (satoshis) a los podcasters como forma de apoyo. Se menciona la importancia de construir lealtad a largo plazo con la audiencia, en lugar de simplemente buscar aumentar las descargas para generar ingresos. Se destaca la función de música en la plataforma, que permite a los podcasters crear programas con música y hablar sobre los artistas. Además, se menciona que Fountain ha ayudado a muchas personas a comprar su primer Bitcoin para apoyar a los podcasters a través de la plataforma. Se discute sobre los desafíos de la adopción de Bitcoin en el Reino Unido y se mencionan otras plataformas como Cash App y Strike que facilitan la incorporación a Bitcoin en Estados Unidos. En general, el podcast destaca la importancia de apoyar a los creadores de contenido y la innovación en el espacio de los podcasts.
Oscar, does Fountain have anonymous boosting?
Your comment (in the conversation with Peter) about go back through a podcast's old catalog reminded of some good episodes that I wanted to throw some Sats at but I didn't see an option to boost without signing in.
not right now - I will prioritise adding this to the web pages
Wumbo rating for this episode: 20 out of 21.
This was a great episode. I think most SN users will enjoy this.
Question: I usually watch the podcast on youtube because I want to see any slides or images that come up during the podcast. Does Fountain have any options to help with this? I would prefer to stop using youtube and use fountain.
Maybe letting the content creators attach images to the podcast page would help
Keep up the good work @MerryOscar
we do have plans to better support video podcasts in the app
Good to hear.
I would imagine video streaming is whole order of magnitude more cost and complexity to implement.
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Granular value-4-value vs subscriptions 00:10:56 Music; orange-pilling via fountain 00:17:31 Discovery, signal, & incentives 00:26:12 Defeating ranking with value 00:32:25 Formulaic destruction of creativity 00:41:01 Value-signal vs sponsored ads 00:54:52 The ultimate value vision
@MerryOscar deserves more forwarded zaps. Everytime he makes everyone more interested in Bitcoin, it's the quality that is so natural in him.