Were those people mainstream Republicans or Democrats by any chance?
He went at Nikki Haley very aggressively in the debates and that really triggered the establishment.
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Nope. Pretty heterodox people, but allergic to demogoguery and bullshit. Hard to get away from those latter no matter where you go.
Ok, then they were probably put off by his very direct and confrontational style. When it's directed at neocons, I love it, but if it were directed at human persons I would also think he was an asshole.
That seems a likely explanation, and is a common failure mode for me: somebody bringing the storm on stuff that I hate, and I'm excited and ready to fall in behind their banner, but they continue to bring the storm vs some hapless gas station worker, the unemployed, and assorted people struggling to improve their circumstances, and I'm like: nope, you're no different, you just have better rhetoric.