Want to start journal writing with one of my classes. Hope these students will grow up to love writing as much as I do. 😝
Dear 1S7,
Wouldn’t you believe it? I finally have the time to sit down and read your journals today after school. I must say, I am impressed and touched by your writing! To the extent that I want to carry on the baton that Ms Diana passed me and resume journal writing. Actually, I became an English teacher because I love writing.
Anyway, how has your week been? I did something unique this week. Four visitors from the Headquarters of the Ministry of Education came down to observe my lesson with 1S6 on Wednesday morning. Yes, during the Hari Raya concert. I didn’t have time to prepare for it 100% because I was engrossed with preparing the dancers for their performance. But I gave it my best shot.
1S6 got super restless during the lesson. So, they got up to dance to “Baby Shark” when I gave them a break. In front of the visitors. Oh my goodness! I should have died of embarrassment but luckily, my skin is as thick as a bull 🐂 . I just went with the flow. It was hilarious, tbh. Five years from now, I will look back at this and cherish it as a fond memory.
Did you do anything difficult this week? What fond memories are you creating? Let me know.
Love, Sensei
49 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 18 Apr
Do you find yourself singing songs like Baby Shark when you’re alone doing something? I did that a lot with when raising kids unintentionally.
I don’t! If I get to be alone, I typically heave sighs of relief haha