Raymond Chandler, one of the great crime novelists, kept separate sheets of similes and analogies he'd thought of so he could throw them into his works. He'd cross them off once he'd used them. Nowadays, writers can keep these things electronically, which means not getting to see the historical documents.
I only read like the first five and I loved them all! This gives me motivation to read one of his books. Which is your favorite?
I go back and forth between The Long Goodbye and The Big Sleep. Both utter classics.
Full disclosure: I actually consider Chandler the weakest of the Big 3 of hardboiled crime (behind Ross MacDonald and Dashiell Hammett), though I think no one could turn a better single phrase than he could.
I watched The Big Sleep not long ago. Maybe I'll give it a go.
Such an amazing movie, too.
It really is. His knack for dialogue is so much fun.