I'm very glad to see that this forum has a section dedicated to history, but very sad to see the high fee to post here. Since SN gives free posts to new users, I would like to post my free post here, as I don't know if I will have another opportunity to post here again.
I would like to share with you a documentary on the history of money and the invention of bitcoin that I enjoyed very much.
Bitcoin: The End Of Money As We Know It traces the history of money from the bartering societies of the ancient world to the trading floors of Wall St. The documentary exposes the practices of central banks and the dubious financial actors who brought the world to its knees in the last crisis. It highlights the Government's influence on the money creation process and how it causes inflation. Moreover, this film explains how most money we use today is created out of thin air by banks when they create debt. Epic in scope, this film examines the patterns of technological innovation and questions everything you thought you knew about money. Is Bitcoin an alternative to national currencies backed by debt? Will Bitcoin and cryptocurrency spark a revolution in how we use money peer to peer? Is it a gift to criminals? Or is it the next bubble waiting to burst?
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0 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 18 Apr
That's a pretty good documentary that came out a couple years ago.
Yes, in 2021.