mostly just the frequency we eat that is the problem, when we are constantly ingesting poison, is a bit of an oversimplification
I think the two are definitely related.
Are you aware of things like "Nickle Allergy"? I only became aware of it because a good friend of mine developed it. They went thru quite a few doctor visits until they stumbled upon what was going on.
Something like 18% of the population is allergic to Nickle. However of that 18% almost none are aware they have it. This is because its a cumulative reaction. You could wear a nickle bracelet / necklace for a year and show no reaction....eventually your body as enough concentration of nickle in the skin and you get sudden and extreme reactions to even touching the bracelet....
I think seed oils are something similar. Your body can handle quite a bit of exposure to them with no real ill effects, however at a certain point the constant exposure simply overwhelms your bodies ability to process it and you develop extensive inflammation.
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