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For a while, I've avoided seed oils because I know they're toxic, but have still allowed them in my diet occasionally when eating out with friends & family.
Recently I came across a few websites and have gained a renewed sense of repulsiveness toward them, as well as the importance of a high saturated fat diet (at least, in my opinion). These are:
  • fireinabottle.net
  • high-fat-nutrition.blogspot.com
  • reddit.com/r/SaturatedFat (check the resources on the right - doesn't work on old.reddit.com)
I've also been mostly carnivore for a while and felt best when I was unintentionally eating a higher saturated fat percentage. I lost weight faster, had WAY more energy, slept better, libido was MUCH higher, etc. More recently, I've been animal-based with a higher protein percentage and have been having a hard time losing some weight, but never seemed to put 2 + 2 together. One of the users on r/SaturatedFat (u/exfatloss) has been doing a very low protein percentage and just chugging heavy cream all day (~4,000 calories/day in total) and the weight has fallen off. Meanwhile, in the three days I've been testing a similar diet, I have already noticed I feel much better and have (visibly) lost some fat.
Apparently, in rat models, higher protein percentages lowers metabolic rate and that seems to be the key factor here. I'm not saying it'll work for everyone, but for those of you who might like to experiment, I encourage you to check this out.
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The key is finding the right fat/protein ratio for you. If you lift weights a lot youll need more protein. Everyone is different
I don't like seed oils either (and try to avoid).
However over the last 2 years I've been practicing a 22-2 fasting schedule (I eat once daily during a 2 hour window).
I've found many benefits from this....increased energy, more focus, loss weight, etc.
This has made me realize that a big part of "our dietary problem" is just the frequency we eat. I think back to being a kid....the small McDonalds burger and small frys was the default.
I think the combo of portion sizes and processed foods is what is harming us.
Fasting does work, but claiming that it's mostly just the frequency we eat that is the problem, when we are constantly ingesting poison, is a bit of an oversimplification.
It seems that you can eat larger portion sizes if your protein percentage is lower because your metabolic rate ramps up. Of course, one must alter their percentages to fit their goal at the time, whether that's weight maintenance/loss, increasing muscle mass, etc.
mostly just the frequency we eat that is the problem, when we are constantly ingesting poison, is a bit of an oversimplification
I think the two are definitely related.
Are you aware of things like "Nickle Allergy"? I only became aware of it because a good friend of mine developed it. They went thru quite a few doctor visits until they stumbled upon what was going on.
Something like 18% of the population is allergic to Nickle. However of that 18% almost none are aware they have it. This is because its a cumulative reaction. You could wear a nickle bracelet / necklace for a year and show no reaction....eventually your body as enough concentration of nickle in the skin and you get sudden and extreme reactions to even touching the bracelet....
I think seed oils are something similar. Your body can handle quite a bit of exposure to them with no real ill effects, however at a certain point the constant exposure simply overwhelms your bodies ability to process it and you develop extensive inflammation.
How many calories per day?
TBH, I never count them.
If you are only allowing yourself a 2-hour window to eat, I think its pretty hard to actually over eat. One of the best things about this lifestyle is it frees you from what you're allowed to eat....you have 2 hours, just EAT.
Also remember that your stomach is 'smaller' due to 24 hours of no food, thus normal sized portions feel very filling.
Typical my 2 hours go like this: Few nuts or lite snacks while preparing dinner, have dinner, have bit of dessert or fruit/cheese afterwards.
What time do you eat? 5 pm to 7 pm?
I am fascinated and intrigued you have done this for 2 years or 730 days etc !!!
Yes 5-7 exactly.
I've never been a big breakfast fan, so for many years just had lunch and dinner, so honestly wasnt that much of a stretch.
I'm average height, my weight dropped from about 180 to 165lbs in the first few months, where it has remained stable since.