I grew up in a very conservative Christian church and often heard preachers talking about the "cashless society" and the "mark of the beast". I've tried to tell these people bitcoin is the only solution but few get it.
104 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 22 Apr
Yes I remember that and never fully grokked why, but it is making more and more sense.
Cashless society can easily become that.
It makes perfect sense, yet they still dont get it somehow. So frustrating.
I will add that this is still discussed and they are clueless about how fiat money works and the existing digital money system. We are basically already in a cashless society. That war is over. We need an alternative system. Thankfully we have one!
Maybe that will change. Perhaps when they're out of other options.
By then it may be to late
I grew up Roman Catholic. We got plenty of the "mark of the beast" talk too.
I'm no scholar but I've been toying with the idea of writing something to Christians concerned about this and point them to bitcoin.
27 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 22 Apr
FWIW, maybe my @bitcoinsermons could be a resource.
27 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 22 Apr
FWIW, maybe my @bitcoinsermons could be a resource.
You should do this, particularly if you have the background to establish your credibility. And you are a scholar 😀
My biggest issue would be not going full anarchist which would turn most off. They don't see the need for separation of nation and state. The state has become an idol. The ring of power that needs to be gained to make the nation righteous. Its a trap but few see it.
Maybe you can share this story, although they might be prejudiced against "papists": https://bitcoinnews.com/adoption/benedictines-of-mary-bitcoin-adoption/
I know what you mean about idolatry of the state. It makes me sick.
Thanks. You are right about prejudice though. I do not share that though. No matter what group has power they tend to abuse it. The ring corrupts everyone.
As long as you don’t mention Blockstream or Liquid you will be fine lol
You are to kind
I guess people would listen if you, in a position of priest (whatever authority of that church), told them this. You just have to choose this path!?! 🤣