Several years ago I came across a film called Mirage Men. The film shows through confessions by former government intelligence officers how the UFO community was fed propaganda as if it was leaked real info. Paul Bennewitz was a businessman who discovered some odd things going on at a nearby military base and began digging into it. The story told by the government agents is that they were told to target him. The goal being keeping him off track by feeding him dis-information. His home was bugged and the film suggests that this abuse of Bennewitz eventually led to his mental breakdown.
I will add that who knows, maybe this film is the propaganda. I don't know if the film speaks the truth but it does make logical sense. This is not to say that the government is NOT hiding info about UFOs. I have no doubt that if the government had info on UFOs they would not share it. We can't even get honesty about things like assignations, elections, and the behavior of our so-called representatives. We really can't trust the state at all if we are wise about how we grant trust.
Several times on this site I have seen people discuss conspiracy theories and I never could remember the name of this film. There are some lessons to learn from this story. The one that immediate comes to mind for me is the recent government hearings about UFOs or whatever they are calling them theses days. Believe what you want but I don't believe these stories are sincere or real. You have to ask yourself the question why. Why are they talking about this now? My thought is to get public support for more funding.
My main point is stay skeptical. Especially when what you want to believe is seemingly being confessed as truth. Make no mistake, the state will contradict itself, lie, cheat, and kill to protect its interests. We are just cattle in the system. Even those in the state operations are just cattle. They are just tools used for means to an end. The perpetuation of the state.
Anyway, this is an interesting film whether you believe in UFOs or not.
", maybe they take it a step further "Aliens are real, they ain't our friend,