For the past couple years I have trained myself to wake up every day between 6-7 without an alarm an most days I wake up feeling great. Recently I have noticed that i sometimes will wake up feeling great at between 3:330am and 5am. If its 5 i usually get up for the day but if its 3:30 I usually decide to roll over and get a few more hours of sleep because if i get up that early I will be sluggish that afternoon. But inevitably when this happens and I fall back asleep, I wake up around 6:30 feeling super groggy and tired. So I'm wondering why this is the case? Shouldn't more sleep mean less tired? Should just get up whenever I wake up no matter how early or if there's another way to train my body not to be so groggy in those situations?
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First of all, sleep is very underrated. As for your issue, I'm no MD but how is your diet? dirty and bad nutrition can really cause havoc!
For what I have learnt through Indian classical text of Ayurveda, I see sleep hours are variable person to person. A person may feel good by only sleeping for lot less than another, who may feel good when he sleeps for 8 or 9 hours.
The western world has also recognised this theory recently.
This is a great podcast about sleep, learned a lot about optimizing sleeping habits:
Matthew Walker is Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and Founder and Director of the Center for Human Sleep Science.
I think biologically we are designed to get up around 5-6 am, it doesn't matter if you have slept more, waking up later than those hours will make you feel lethargic, at least it happens to me.
I don't know if there is a general rule for the best sleep, it surely varies from person to person.
The normal thing would be to wake up in the morning when the sun rises, it is instinctive for animals and logical/instinctive for us. Our ancestors had to take advantage of most of the day before the dangers of the night.
In my case I need 6:30-7 hours of sleep, not too much nor less, if I have more or less than that it is difficult for me to get up.
During all these sleep sessions, do you dream at all? I think hitting rem sleep is the most important of the cycle? Dont quote me on it.
I dream most vividly right before I wake up at 3:30 and after I fall back asleep. Is dreaming indicative of being in rem sleep?