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I know kids are very lazy to do house chores. Some types of encouragement may help them to change their habit. I chose a sats stacking method to encourage them. It is still debatable about incentivizing kids with money to do chores. My friend argued with me about incentivizing with money looks like bribing. But I viewed it differently. I see it as encouraging them to work and save some money for the future. Let us keep aside that discussion. Let us see some of the methods which I am following to encourage my kids to stack sats.
House chores and save sats
  • I asked my kids to use the "wallet of satoshi" app on their mobile. I know it is a custodial wallet. But it is easy for them to login using their email id, and easy to recover if they lose their phone.
  • I have lnbits running in my lightning node at home. LNWithdraw (LNURLw) plugin is amazing with lnbits. Set a specific number of sats in LNURLw for each chore.
  • Print LNURLw QR code on the paper. Let us say if they want to do the laundry, stick the QR code in the laundry room.
  • I asked them to use the lightning wallet app to scan QR code once they are done with their work.
  • If my kids want to spend the sats, I act as a bank. I create an invoice from my lightning app. Once they paid my invoice, I give them the equivalent fiat to spend on their fav ice cream or cookie. Circular economy!!
Encourage to save in bitcoin
My teenage son earns a tiny bit of money occasionally by helping a small business. I advised him to save 50% of his earnings (whatever small it is) in bitcoin. He gives me fiat and I transfer equivalent bitcoin to his wallet. Last year, he wanted to sell his bitcoin to me at the peak of the bull market to buy a laptop for his school work. He was super happy to see his savings appreciated and he was able to buy a laptop with his earnings.
He panicked when he saw the bitcoin value went down in this bear market. I told him that this is how emotion plays with money. I encouraged him to have a long-term vision of savings and keep stacking the sats.
I am sure you may have such creative ideas on stacking sats. Please post your comments.
I feel like 30 years from now we'll look at the next generations of children and we'll be able to tell who the Bitcoiners' children are. I remember my childhood, and laugh at the thought of how toxic I would've been when I was younger (if Bitcoin existed). 🤣🤣🤣
Doing a great job by the sounds. Know & teaching far more than most parents out there. Kudos!
He'll grow up remembering that he participated early, with Bitcoin infrastructure still being rolling-out. Like most of us remember the dial-up days. Hopefully he'll be able to help some of his classmates in future too. And hopefully with a tidy appreciation of his sats to boot.
I really like this idea have been telling my family n friends similar thing with their kids they r too young but it is something to think of and gets the kids hands on real money :) nothing like hands on experience right ! i've even been wanting to do this with my younger cousins 1000 sats here n there just to get them going :)
Couldn't they use BlueWallet with your node as the LN custodian? IMO this would be better, because then they would need to trust a second party (you), rather than third party (WoS). This would also improve the privacy of both you and your children from third parties, since y'all would share the same LN node. You would also save the LN tx fees, since all the sats would stay on your node.
Yes, I tested with bluewallet. Unfortunately if lnbits and bluewallets with my lightning node stay in the same node then my payment did not go through. It seems like sending sats yourself (circular) with the same lightning node does not work. I am thinking of setup another lightning node, especially for it. Soon I will move out from custodian. It saves few sats on fees. I know WoS transaction fee is a little crazy. I opened a channel with them. It saves a few sats.
I do this with my nephew and use strike to send him sats instead.
What LN node are you using? I don't get why it wouldn't work. Maybe I'll have to experiment on testnet a little.
LND Version - v0.14.3. If I change bluewallet to their node, it worked. Yup it means it did not allow me to create an invoice and pay yourself with the same node. I am happy to learn if you have any findings.
I was facing the same issue here and this was the solution for me: I've created LNbits wallets for myself (instead of using the LND lightning wallet) and the kids... Transfers among LNbits wallets in the same node won't incur in fees. You can connect their LNbits wallets to their phones using the Lndhub extension in LNbits + BlueWallet. Let me know if it works for you!
I love it. I just tested it with lnbits by creating 2 wallets. I could move sats between those two wallets without any issue. Yeahhhhh!! Selfcustody! Bluewallet... here I come. Thank you so much
Good idea. I never tried LNbit wallets to LNbitwallets. Let me try it now! Thanks
Cool, as long as they use the network and u don't bore them with it !
All underlying technicalities are hidden from them. They just see it as some value point with $ value associated with it.
If your kids enjoy playing games, you can show them one of the play-to-earn games available (check https://zebedee.io/play). I prefer to reward them for doing something useful, but this is also one additional way for them to stack some sats 😀
My son plays Sarutobi (available on mobile) now and then... He had to learn how to transfer the balance from his ZBD wallet to his LNbits wallet, so at a minimum this is helping him to become more familiar with Lightning stuff 😄
I love this idea too!
I teach 13 -20s y/o via onboarding Strike (or earn carrot & blu wallets download) youtube and building node combo best way to get in is to be involved ( my methods change as curriculum needs do)
делать что то за деньги? ахаааа... неее так это не работает... складывать сатоши за хорошие дела! вот показатель.
You know, Stacking Sats will give them a much healthier hobby than saving up to buy useless stuff like psp etc :)