It's hard to quantify, and I guess you'll have to take my word for it, but I think most of the people around me, even those who aren't giant fans of mine, would agree that whatever else is true, I'm pretty fucking 'real' if that means saying what you think and telling the truth as best you can.
And I have not suffered in the having-of-friends department one iota.
So I'm inclined to agree w/ @Undisciplined's take, that most of the time, being "real" or "authentic" is shorthand for being an asshole. And yeah, those people have fewer friends, and deserve to.
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One of my best friends growing up maintained that lying is too much work. That’s how I feel about being disingenuous in general.
I think being openly yourself is a great way to filter people out of your life who aren’t going to add value and find the people who will.
I'd rather have a circle of honest asshole's, than a circle of people that constantly agree with you, only to talk behind your back about it.
Both have their uses, I guess, but it's not a dichotomy.
We ain't gonna be friends, fren.