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Continuing the journey to freedom (I wish I was in America, it would be much easier) mentioned on my previous post! For those of you living in the US, I also found the original book published by the American Voice Newspaper, and it's freely downloadable from the link below:

Commerce Game Exposed - Learn How To Play: "Accepted For Value"

"We wrote and organized this book in a way the process would be understood, not to impress anyone with big words and complicated explanations." - Francis Steffan, Publisher

The book highlight step-by-step the process to become a FREE wo/man and manage the kingdom as it should be done following the Laws of Commerce. It's a bit dated, but I believe the process still the same or much similar. It will be nice if someone could double-check and verify if there are any changes in the process.
Hope you find it useful and it will be nice to hear your stories. I'm not a US shitizen, so this will not apply to me, however it has been really useful to understand the logic to apply when dealing with my local government on the local language.
this territory is moderated
link above is dead but Ifound it rehosted on Z-lIbrary
Another very good piece of information about "how to play the game".
In addition to that "accepted for value", when I get some envelope sent from any gov agency, I always have printed some stickers with this reply. I don't even have to open their envelopes (invitation for contract), I just stick this on them and return it to sender.
From first time I did that some years ago... on an invitation to pay taxes, I never got any response from them and never pay any taxes anymore.
Interesting that you wrote it in English! Do they understand it either if not living on an english-speacking country?
I have it in many languages
That make sense. I assume is a good practice to respond on the same language you got the request with
ah sure... but never ignore the letters... if you do not answer, that means acceptance of the contract and you end in worse situations. Always respond with a "conditional acceptance".