So you don't give a shit about Bitcoin adoption... right.
Of course I do and I respect everything you have done to promote adoption and all the guides. I just don’t understand why you feel a need to micromanage what other people are posting about. You aren’t the dictator of Bitcoin or SN. I get it if you are calling out shitcoiners or scammers but why do you care if we are posting about a push up challenge? Just ignore or mute me.
No I do not mute you. You do not deserve (yet) that honor. I only want to point out the uselessness of these posts about pushups until 100k. Bitcoin doesn't give a shit about your pushups and also the price of 100k is meaningless.
I am just trying to make you a favor and show you the right path, nothing else... But yeah, you can ignore my advice...
I don’t need you to show me a path. I am not a child. As I said I appreciate your guides but I don’t need advice on what to post on open forum.