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Great track, not familiar with it before. But good fun.
It was a time of unlikely collaborations in the charts as I recall; REM & the B52s for ‘Shiny Happy People’, Robert Plamer & UB40 for ‘Baby tonight’.
(I am probably misremembering though)
Those are phenomenal collabs. Always enjoyed REM and the B52s not two bands you'd put together normally but awesome when they worked together.
I was never a UB40 fan at all, but the Robert Palmer collab was brilliant, fantastic song. Same with Kate Bush, her music never really floated my boat, but the Peter Gabriel collab was out of this world.
Perhaps a topic for a day? I need to think up some more from back the …
We might be cooking up a stew. And it smells goooood. Carlos's Collabs?
Collab re collabs. Ok!
Points for ‘should have been a disaster’ and points for ‘should have been better’?
Aerosmith & RunDMC - totally unexpected and top tune
Black Sabbath & IceT - fail
Vic Reeves long time collaborator Bob Mortimer ended up giving legal advice and representing which pop star against which pop star and why?
haha, I think I've heard it before but I wouldn't have gotten the answer without a quick search. Bob represented Jarvis Cocker (Pulp) against Jacko (suspicion of assault at the '96 Brit awards). Jarvis was released without charge. Well done Bob, he's a national hero and legend.
It makes me smile every time I am reminded of it :)
And you are right, an absolute leg end.
Ooooo fun fact!