When I try to sell my used car, but I installed a custom ROM and no one wants to buy it XD
(In a hypothetical situation where I owned a car like that)
Heh. Last car we owned, we had to re-install the original radio in place of the CD-player we'd added to get higher value.
shitposting mode on: If you're rates aren't falling sharply when your car is spying on you, that's a skill issue
shitposting off: When insurances adjust for everything, then there's nothing left but a leech
I wonder if this also happens in Europe, where we have GPDR and generally more consumer protection than in the US.
I'm Gen Z but I hate over-engineering. My parents had such a wonderful time driving their cars themselves. These days when the battery dies you can't even use the handbrake. Duh
Shouldnt this bring prices down for people who actually drive correctly? I wonder if tesla has these same problems.
I've never heard of anyone saving money by using those plug-in devices that insurance companies provide. Yes, in theory, the safe drivers should pay less and the dangerous drivers pay more. But in practice, I think the dangerous drivers pay more, and the safe drivers pay the same. It feels like just another money-making scheme.