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Yes, well said, stop feeding the beast.
I am super baffled that nobody is seeing the elephant in the room: gov authority over your own money.
REBUT THAT AUTHORITY AND DON'T GIVE A SHIT. Exactly what a honeybadger will do.
But instead of that, I see people only debating about laws, regulations, jurisdictions and crap like that, when in fact with just a simple question asked to the gov: please show me any document where I consented that you have any authority over me, the living man and my energy obtained from my labor (my bitcoin).
Because if they ever dare to say something about that, it will means SLAVERY. Then they have a bigger problem....
PEOPLE ARE JUST PUSSIES. And govs profit from that.
Even the Acinq case, they don't even were pressured by any gov agency and unilateral they decided to withdraw their app. Total pussies.
This new generation is just softer, Darth. Lol
Softer because, generally speaking, everything has been getting better, and keeps getting better at that.
Sure, there's a price for everything, and sure, it's not been like that everywhere, but the West (the people were talking about here, I guess) has been improving on living standards.
What did you expect to happen?
Tough times make good men, good men make good times, good times make soft men....and the cycle goes on
Yada yada: if there's going to be a new decade of war coming to Europe, then you'll get a new wave of your beloved "strong men"---chances are you and I might not be among those, though.
The decade of war on Europe started already
Time to get my crossbow, you say?
Good times, weak men and all that.