Back in 2013 I made the "Satoshi Bitcoin Converter" because the different units of bitcoin messed me up. Then, mbtc and ubtc was a thing, alongside btc and satoshis. It looked like this:
and, surprising to me, there's still a working version here (only swaps around bitcoin units, no fiat values).
The "SBC" has been through a lot of iterations. Basically, it started simple, grew, became an Android app, bloated, iterated, I shrunk it back, simplified it more, went to a Progressive Web App (PWA), removed altcoins, narrowed the scope.
I finally got around to going even more minimalist. After mulling it for quite a while, the "SBC" app has gone to BTC and sat units only. The before and after:

Why now?

Yesterday, the wife drug me to an art opening/showcase thing at an art college. It was nice and it was nice to see the excitement of the students as they showed off their accomplishments. Real work and bills to come soon, kiddos.
One display had to do with branding and design. The "agile project lifecycle" caught my eye, I thought of developers and I thought of the Satoshi Bitcoin Converter and its lifecycle. "Where is the SBC now?" I wondered. I guessed it was in feedback. The most recent comments I've gotten were (1) no commas present...hard to read. This has been a headache that I've tried to fix, but failed. Something about the javascript not liking commas in numbers. On the positive side, though having commas in numbers helps us read the numbers, but not having commas is better for copy/paste usability. Tradeoffs. And feedback (2) was that mBTC and uBTC units were pointless, no one goes by those. I'd long thought that to be the case, but held off from stripping them out...that was one thing making the SBC unique...part of the brand. Also, it hearkened back to the SBC's roots.
Then, I noticed the "What do you value in a brand?" interactive chart. I pulled a sticker, looked over the categories. "Quality" had the most.
I leaned toward sticking it on quality, thinking that encompasses all of the others. However, in my view, that really doesn't give great feedback. That's like saying, "Best."
I voted for "Simplicity" which, at the time, only had one lonely vote. I carefully placed my sticker dead center in the simplicity box, for sake of a clean, balanced and simple aesthetic. Since the beginning, I've tried to keep the SBC as stupid-simple as possible. So, "Simplicity" got my vote.
My wife voted for "Quality." Whilst juggling a small charcuterie plate, beverage, and campus gallery map, she crumplingly peeled off the sticker then overlappingly slapped it on the quality box. Hers is the rumpled sticker vote in the photo below. I found it hilarious and teased her for a low quality voting effort on the vote for quality.
Anyway, my vote for Simplicity prompted me to shave the SBC app down a bit more, making it a bit leaner, a bit cleaner, and hopefully simpler. And, oh, quality.
is an 11-year-old and constantly evolving project, many more successes for you with SBC.
I also would have to be drugged to get me to an art showing.