Try getting better at reading. They are calling samurai wallet (the platform itself) a mixing service. Not the underlying technology. They are calling it a mixing service because the developer went far beyond passively offering a coin join feature and actively helped people launder money through it.
This is like saying "Ackshully, this is a laundromat". So in plain English because I guess it has to be spelled out for everyone on this site this means that the core issue is Samouri Wallet was a front for illegal money laundering operations.
You can thank the developers of Samouri Wallet for painting a negative image on Coinjoins and their utility and the rippling effects will be immediate and brutal. First impressions mean a lot, and the developers of Samouri did not do a good job making a first impression.
I like Coinjoins because it allows me to hide my total balance from an address to someone I am sending Bitcoin too if I am not sending the whole amount from that address. In this way it isn't different than doing a transaction out of my bank. I wouldn't want Walmart seeing my bank balance.
But instead of that you people sit here and market it in the dumbest most anti government way possible and then start screaming when the bear you poked claws you back.
Not that it matters anyways this article is off some amateur news/summary site with no primary sources cited. I would never put this site in my rotation for information.
I am not a SW fan, but I don't support that. They maintained a protocol. However for them, it is better to release it as FOSS. I don't like CoinJoins because they can't scale. However, I mostly agree with you about that SW did PR in a very wrong way.
Well said
Should we all fork samurai wallet on github while it is still there? How long before FBI shuts down This is rediculous to jail software developers. Next will be book authors on crypto?
Github's owned by Microsoft, so it'll be compromised long before it gets shut down.
Why all the love for Samourai?
Wasabi developers where right, harvesting users xpubs is dumb and endangers everyone. We now have to take for granted that all those mixes are compromised. Selfhosting Dojo is not a solution is everyone else is not doing the same.
I think they deserve some compassion. They offended many people. Me, too, but a very long time ago. I'd never wish anybody to go to jail.
I think we will see if they actually harvested xpubs. Until that I give them benefit of the doubt.
They have all my compassion for being wrongly prosecuted but the way their product was conceived was careless at best. Harmful for the community since we cannot know to what degree it has been compromised.
What is the repository name?
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