Not trying to be snarky here, but is this news? Everything I know about both science and law comes from watching CSI, I just assumed we carried DNA.
Of course. I was joking, obviously. It would be pretty tough to pass on genetic characteristics otherwise. That's what makes these government enforcement theories ridiculous.
And that's why I need to drink more coffee before diving into SN.
Actually, it's my fault. I worded it poorly. Also, I think because of my age I'm still lacking in the nuances of texting. In face to face communication it's much easier to express whether you're joking or serious. My daughter tells me that some people put a /s to indicate sarcasm, or a JK. I just can't get used to this.
Heh. Whereas my daughter has explained to me that I should stop using the /s in most situations. I think it's one of those small things digital natives truly get, while those of us who are digitally comfortable but not native miss.
I always have two cups of coffee before diving into SN,! Sometimes it's hard for me to know when stackers are joking too.